Discover How To Burn Up To 1,000 Calories So You Can Shrink Your Belly Fat and Rev Your Metabolism Without Having to Count Calories or Diet EVER Again!
How To Use My NEW “LC-3 Protocol”
To Burn Fat Faster, Supercharge Your Metabolism and Triple Your Calorie Burn in Less Than 11 Minutes…
… So The Weight Just Falls Off!
Plus, You’ll Discover How Your Clients Can Out-Train a Poor Diet, Putting Your Referrals on “Auto-Pilot”
Plus… 3 “Hardcore” Exercises You Absolutely MUST AVOID If You Want To Shrink Your Waistline, Strengthen Your Joints, and Get In The Best Shape of Your Life.
From the Desk of: Kate Vidulich
Exercise Physiologist, BSc, ACSM, Master CTT
Did you know you can burn 100 calories if you run for ten minutes?
And if you run faster, you can burn even more calories.
However here’s the problem…
Running is NOT for beginners.
Or anyone with a bad back, knee, or hip… which rules out approximately 81% of the US population.
In fact, studies have shown that running one mile is equal to doing 1500 reps with HIGH impact forces of two to five times your bodyweight. Think about that!
If you weigh 180 pounds, you will do 1500 reps with at least 360 pounds of force going through your knees, hips and ankle. Just to burn 100 measly calories…?
That’s a massive amount of impact and stress on your body, don’t you think?
Now you’re probably thinking…
“I want to burn more calories, but I can’t do high impact exercises like running”
No worries.
The good news is…
You don’t need to pound the pavement to melt fat faster.
Believe it or not: you CAN do high intensity interval training without any traditional cardio exercises whatsoever. Stick with me and I’ll show you how to use my breakthrough LC-3 protocol in just a sec.
Did you know there are specific exercises to SUPERCHARGE your calorie burning all while protecting and strengthening your joints? That means you can keep your joints healthy like they were in your 20’s…
Yes, you can AVOID damaging exercises to ease the stress on your joints and still get fast, fat burning results… despite what the hardcore fitness experts say.
And the best part?
You don’t need ANY equipment.
And it might not sound like much. But…
Burning 100 calories MORE every day can add up over the course of a week… and supercharge your metabolism so the weight just falls off!
The Solution is Found Within the LC-3 Protocol
This is not a “quick-fix” or magic pill. You will have to exercise. But this does not require a ton of expensive supplements, or workout gadgets.
And don’t worry...I designed this step-by-step 40 minutes per week protocol to work ESPECIALLY for the older person. Men and women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and even 70s… you name it. And no matter what your current fitness level.
My breakthrough protocol is called The Low-Impact Cardio Protocol…or, just “LC-3” for short. LC-3 uses a scientific hybrid approach and unique calorie burning exercises ANYONE can do that has worked for thousands of men and women.
How do I know this?
Well… before we go any further, let me introduce myself.
I’m Kate Vidulich and in my 10+ years experience as an Exercise Physiologist I’ve discovered EXACTLY how to use high intensity training to lose stubborn belly fat…
…not just on myself but with thousands of men and women just like you. I have even been featured in mega-popular magazines like Men’s Fitness and Oxygen.
Over the years, I’ve picked up SO many tricks, tips and strategies that have allowed me to literally speed up fat burning using exercises that don’t kill your knees. And I’m going to show you EXACTLY how I discovered this LC-3 protocol in just a sec. You see…
Everywhere you look, people over 35 are doing new and exciting things, trying to recapture their youth.
CrossFit… Kettlebells… Kickboxing…
But there’s a BIG problem.
High impact, high intensity exercise is NOT for everyone.
In fact, there are 3 hardcore exercises you absolutely MUST AVOID if you want to protect your joints, shrink your waistline, and get in the best shape of your life.
The exercises below can actually do more harm than good, if you’re not careful.
#1: Burpee Push Ups
While you can burn over 12 calories per minute doing full on burpees with a push up…
… You can also easily damage your knees and lower back if you’re not careful.
You see, burpees require quick and powerful bending of the knee and low back. And with each rep, you move further away from benefit and closer towards injury.
Especially if you’re a seasoned desk jockey, hunched over your computer with poor poture for 12-14 hours a day.
That’s why I’ll show you low impact variations that can burn just as many (if not more calories!) while protecting your joints from the stress.
#2: Lunge Jumps
I see people goofing up the basic lunge exercise all day long. Now, while it’s an excellent fat burning exercise to train your legs and glutes… it’s NOT a beginner move.
Plenty of things can go wrong just doing a basic lunge…
So please, forget lunge jumps!
That’s right.
This exercise is not for you, because it requires a high level of single leg strength and a strong, stable core.
Doing “hard”, advanced exercises will only accelerate your results if you do them correctly. Otherwise, you’re more likely to be heading to the ER with a knee injury. Just like this next exercise…
#3: Box Jumps
Have you ever seen someone at the gym jumping up and down on a high box?
Of course, right?!
While some experts argue box jumps are great for developing power and explosive performance in your lower body…
Most people set themselves up for bloody shins, dangerous wipeouts, and terrible landing mechanics.
That’s why I DON’T recommend box jumps for cardio, especially if you’re out of shape or overweight.
Now you can see why trying to lose belly fat from high impact exercises is really a misconception, and you could seriously injure yourself, if you’re not careful.
So… You might be wondering how I discovered the LC-3 method, right?
Well…let me tell you a story.
It all started when Sandra, a 53 year old out-of-shape mother, came to me desperately needing help.
You see, she had never exercised a day in her life, and had just been told by her doctors that she needed to lose weight and strengthen her muscles and bones or she’d eventually suffer from daily bouts of crippling pain.
In fact, she was in such BAD shape, the doctors put her on medication to increase her bone density. And they warned her that if she didn’t start exercising NOW, it was only a matter of time before she developed osteoporosis.
Even worse… Sandra had been in a major car accident 9 years earlier and was constantly suffering from sciatica back pain.
Sandra wasn’t like the others that I had trained in the past.
I knew I just couldn’t get her to perform “usual” cardio exercises I used with other clients. She was motivated and wanted to work hard, but we couldn’t risk doing any high impact exercises.
That’s why I knew I had to experiment and try something different…
…using exercises that boosted her calorie burn, but didn’t impact her joints…
Now, what I had going for me was my scientific background and my education in Exercise Physiology, so I decided to create a science-backed fat loss method that did three things better than any other program available…. Which ultimately led to my discovery of a technique called the “Low-Impact Cardio 3”.
Following a period of experimenting with several different variations of exercises, I created a simple method that would work perfectly for people just like you who need to lose the fat quickly, and wanted to workout anywhere with ZERO equipment, without killing your knees or back.
After a few weeks of adding these 10-minute routines into Sandra’s workout routine, I noticed a period of rapid fat loss. She was losing fat like she was 20 year old again and… the smile on her face and the confidence she carried meant only one thing… she noticed too!
Sandra mentioned how her waist was slimmer, and how her legs and backside were more sculpted than ever! And… over the course of a couple of months, Sandra went from flabby and frustrated, to the lean, sculpted physique she always wanted!
Yet that’s not even the best part…
The best part is Sandra’s doctors took her off the bone density medication and she has continued to use these 100 Calorie Burner workouts. And today, her body is the best it’s ever looked!
So What Exactly are “100 Calorie Burner Workouts”?
In a nutshell, this is the fastest and safest way to skyrocket your calorie burn, lose belly fat, sculpt muscle in all the right places without killing your knees. You’ll get the toned, sculpted body you’ve always wanted… guaranteed.
Each 100 Calorie Burner workout uses the LC-3 method and was specifically designed to burn at least ONE hundred calories without doing any high impact exercises so you can triple your fat burn as fast and safely as possible. (AND have fun while doing it).
The best part?
It doesn’t matter if you’re out of shape or more advanced…You can use these quick 100 Calorie Burners to transform how you look and feel.
Plus you’ll actually enjoy working out with me!
But it’s not for everybody, especially those looking for the latest quick fix, “no workout” solution.
And that’s only just a small taste of what you can expect…
Imagine the feeling of touching your stomach and, for the first time in ages, feeling the curve of muscle under your fingertips…
…and you felt alive, vibrant, healthy and full of energy!
…and how empowering it would feel to finally be in complete control of your weight loss!
…and over time, you reprogrammed your body to stay lean after you dropped the excess pounds!
You’ll finally start to see your belly shrink and your pants will feel loose again…
That’s why this system is different.
You simply apply my LC-3 protocol to take complete control of your weight loss. You now have a step-by-step system right at your fingertips to boost your energy while quickly melting trapped belly fat faster and easier than ever before.
So You Might Be Wondering Why Burning 100 Calories is a Good Benchmark?
You see, many people have a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) that is much, much lower compared to their food intake (By the way, your BMR is the number of calories you burn at rest with ZERO exercise.)
That’s why most people gain weight so easily.
And by just intergrating 2 or 3 of these workouts per week, with the afterburn effect that’s going to kick in…
You can take yourself from slowly GAINING weight with a calorie surplus, to slowly LOSING weight with a couple of quick 100 Calorie Burners.
The REAL Hero: Calorie AFTERBURN
So how do you KNOW these workouts actually burn 100 calories each?
Great question. The answer is simple – we tested each workout on an experimental group of more than 15 people. Each person was strapped to Polar Heart Rate monitors with advanced calorie settings, and we measured the read-out at 100+ calories for each workout.
But how can you claim “100 calories burned per workout” when people of different sizes burn calories at different rates?
The workouts were tested on the “average” sized individual. My clients were a mix of men and women, who weighed between 115lbs and 250+lbs.
If you weigh more, you will actually burn MORE calories, while people who weigh less will burn slightly less.
When you include the calories burned post workout in the “afterburn” period, the 100 calorie workouts actually burn WAY more than 100 calories even for people with a lower body weight.
It’s All Done-For-You in This Easy to Follow, Supercharged Calorie Burning System.
Introducing… The 100 Calorie Burner Workouts.
Here’s Exactly What You Get With The 100 Calorie Burner Workout System
Component 1: 100 Calorie Burner Workouts Manual
($29.95 Value)
In the 100 Calorie Burner Workouts Manual you will discover:
18 quick progressive workouts that burn ONE HUNDRED calories each using the LC-3 protocol.
Quickly melt trapped belly fat using low-impact bodyweight only exercises.
Step-by-step progressions suitable for ANY fitness level (from beginner to advanced) you can do anytime, anywhere in just 10 minutes.
How to lose pure FAT (not just water weight) to easily get leaner, with flat abs and visibly defined arms in the fastest time possible – without an expensive gym membership. (See page 8.)
And sooooooo much more…
Component 2: The 100 Calorie Burner Exercise Index
($29.99 Value)
In 100 Calorie Exercise Index you will discover:
• High quality photos and descriptions of every single exercise in the program, with step-by-step instructions to execute the moves with perfect form.
• Over 95 pages of unique bodyweight fat burning exercises that you can do anytime, anywhere.
• Challenging but time saving exercises that burn the maximum amount of fat. I’ll show you how to make each exercise easier or harder, depending on your fitness level.
• And soooooo much more!
Component 3: Accelerator MRT Fire Workout Plan
($29.95 Value)
In the Accelerator MRT Fire Workout Plan you will discover:
How to get lean, sculpted and defined with my brand NEW 28-day metabolic resistance training program. (only basic equipment is required)
Powerful 25 minute workouts to fire up your fat burning metabolism with cutting edge workout techniques.
This is one of my best programs EVER. I don’t say that lightly. It’s the EXACT same program I’m personally using right now to lean down and get sexy definition before Summer.
And much, much more!
Component 4: FREE Access to the Metabolic Fitness Challenge
(Valued at $497)
Start your 14-day FREE trial of the Metabolic Fitness Challenge and join the hundreds of happy clients worldwide who have already begun their journey to get in the best shape of their life without a gym membership!
You’ll discover my unique, step-by-step program to lose your stubborn belly fat and sculpt lean muscle – FREE for 14 days.
The free trial gives you access to the entire Metabolic Fitness Challenge program that you would get as a paying customer… all FREE for 14 days. You’ll get instant access to follow along videos for every workout, Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, fat burning meals, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more. It’s so simple, all you have to do is press play and follow along!
You can cancel at anytime during your trial period and you won’t be charged again. No questions asked! But I know you will be blown away with the results you’ll feel and see.
I’m sure you’ll love the program, so you don’t have to do anything and your $47/month paid subscription will automatically start at the end of the 14-day trial. No contract. Go Month to Month. If you do not wish to be billed, all I have to do is cancel anytime within the first 14 days.
There’s ZERO risk – you’ll only be billed if you decide to keep the program after your free trial. So what are you waiting for? Start your journey to get in the best shape of your life – NOW!
Component 5: Lifetime Updates of the Program (Priceless)
This is the best solution to lose stubborn belly fat, sculpt sexy muscle and break stubborn weight loss plateau. However, we pride ourselves on excellence, so there is always room for improvement.
As updated versions of the product are released, you will be the first to receive the latest edition of updated information FREE! Some authors update programs and expect you to pay more. That’s not the case here!
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to strengthen your entire body with effective bodyweight exercise rather than DAMAGE your back as you do with traditional cardio workouts.
If you’re already exercising and getting fantastic results, I’ll show you how to choose the best bodyweight exercises and for faster results.
Listen, why bother trying to cure belly fat with jogging when there is a PROVEN done-for-YOU solution right here at your fingertips?
Personally, I wouldn’t waste my time and just “wing it” without a proven, step-by-step plan to follow, especially if I had a vacation planned in the near future.
I’m dead serious…
Don’t Try Another Interval Training Workout Without This Plan…
Listen, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s too easy to hurt your knees, back or waste time doing useless exercises.
And I don’t want that to happen to you!
I want you to ROCK IT… even if it’s your very first workout!
That’s why I’ve put the “best of the best” 100 Calorie Burner workouts into a simple, easy to follow format so anyone (beginner to advanced) can pick up these manuals, and accelerate their fat loss immediately.
In the past, these fat burning blueprints were only available to my private clients, but now I’m making a select few available to the public.
So you don’t have to guess anymore!
Normally, my clients pay anywhere from $247 – $1500/month for private training…
But for a very limited time, I’ll let you have instant access to this blueprint for just $7.
By taking action right now…
Only right here on this page…
You’ll get instant access to the 100 Calorie Burners for just $7!
When you order today, you’ll also receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge on a 14 day trial which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever fooling around with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships.
After your 14 day trial, your membership will be automatically upgraded and it’s only $47/month. You’ll get the next level Metabolic Accelerators, follow along videos for every workout, brand new interviews with fitness experts, fat burning meals, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.
There is NO-obligation to stick around, and you can cancel at ANY time during the 14 days and you won’t be charged a penny… but hurry, this offer is JUST for those that qualify.
You Can Get Started Today For Just $7!
Just Click the “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Started Today For Just $7!
That’s right…full access to this breakthrough fat burning system…
With NO RISK and absolutely NO OBLIGATIONS.
So let’s recap what we’ve learned so far:
– The best way to jumpstart your results, lose excess weight and tighten and firm up your body, is to use a strategic workout plan…NOT a dangerous detox… NOT another cleanse…. And NOT by using a quick-fix miracle pill…
-The 3 hardcore exercises you MUST avoid are burpee push ups, lunge jumps and box jumps if you want to shrink your waistline, protect your joints, and get in the best shape of your life.. Too many high impact exercises slowly damage your body.
– The solution is found in the LC-3 Protocol of safe high intensity workouts for fast fat burning… one that does not destroy your joints… and one that leaves you energized, and NOT completely exhausted.
– The results have been proven for years… and now, YOU can have the step-by-step guide with the exact system that I’ve used with thousands of clients!
And for a limited time, you will get access to the entire fat burning system without having to risk a single penny.
Because I believe in what I teach and know that you will experience head turning results just like the thousands of people that I’ve helped in the past, I will not just promise life changing results – I will absolutely TRIPLE guarantee them…
30 Day ZERO-RISK, IRON-CLAD Money Back Guarantee!
Introducing our “ZERO Risk” TRIPLE guarantee.
Guarantee #1: This Protocol Works For Any Age!
Even though it works best for men and women in their 30’s, 40’s,and 50’s, people in their 60’s and even their 70’s can use this system and get fast results. I guarantee you will see results no matter what your current level of health.
Guarantee #2: ZERO risk, Iron Clad 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try out this powerful system today! If you’re not fully satisfied, simply drop me an email anytime in the next 30 days and I’ll give you 100% of your money back. No questions asked.
Guarantee #3: Fastest Customer Support in the Industry
If you don’t receive HEROIC customer service and EASE of purchase, same guarantee… 100% of your money back!
I want to completely protect you with an iron-clad 100% money back guarantee so that you risk nothing to claim your new body with 100 Calorie Burner workouts today.
Sound fair enough?
Think about it this way: For less than the cost of a decent dinner out, you’ll gain access to all the cutting edge fat loss accelerator information I’ve shared with you today, as well as instant access to these special FREE bonuses.
But wait, there’s more….
PLUS, TODAY, But Wait, I’m Giving You A Major Bonus When You Grab the 100 Calorie Burners System So That You Avoid the Dreaded Rebound Weight Gain!!!
And the best part? You’ll get it free!
Here’s the FREE BONUS You’ll Receive Today…
The BIG Bonus #1: Bodyweight Density Accelerators
($29.95 Value)
In the Bodyweight Density Accelerators you will discover:
• 9 NEW metabolic bodyweight complexes for off-day workouts that melt stubborn fat and sculpt lean muscle definition in all the right places.
• 16 minute “low impact” bodyweight routines that destroy belly fat and require ZERO equipment
• How to skyrocket your conditioning (After using the workouts in this program, my clients started to feel more energized during the day. This makes keeping up with your kids EASY and greatly improves your mood!)
• And soooooo much more!
In short, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. And so if you start right now through this special offer, I’m going to give you an opportunity to lock in an even lower price – for a limited time.
The Best part Is That This Entire System Is Completely Downloadable, So Once You Invest In This System, You Will Get INSTANT ACCESS RIGHT NOW – No Waiting.
As you can see, the total value of the 100 Calorie Burner Workout System is a whopping $616.84!!
All of these programs are guaranteed to help you burn belly fat and get more body sculpting results in less time than ever before…and all without stepping on a single treadmill.
But once again, because I know the difference this program can make on your life I want to offer you the entire100 Calorie Burner Workouts not for $616.84, but at huge discount off the retail price.
By taking action right now…
Only right here on this page…
You’ll get instant access to the 100 Calorie Burner Workouts for just $7.
When you order today, you’ll also receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge on a 14 day trial for just $7 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever fooling around with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships.
After your 14 day trial for just $7, your membership will be automatically upgraded and it’s only $47/month. You’ll get the next level Metabolic Accelerators, follow along videos for every workout, brand new interviews with fitness experts, fat burning meals, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.
There is NO-obligation to stick around, and you can cancel at any time… but hurry, this offer is JUST for those that qualify.
You can get started today for just $7!
Just Click the “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Started Today For Just $7!
When you order today, You’ll receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge for a 14 day trial of only $7 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever wasting time with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships. After your 14 day trial, your membership will be automatically upgraded and is only $47/month and it includes next level Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, follow along videos for every workout, new fat burning recipes, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.
You now have all the answers you need to rapidly melt away stubborn fat and get the body you desire, and deserve.
Join me, and the thousands of men and women just like you who are finally ready to take control of their body and transform their lives forever.
I look forward to seeing you on the inside!
Kate Vidulich, BSc, ACSM, Master CTT
Exercise Physiologist
Author of 100 Calorie Burner Workouts
Author of Fat Loss
P.S. Every minute you spend now thinking about whether or not to start is time that could be better spent shrinking your waistline with my 100 Calorie Burner Workouts. Don’t waste any more time! This price won’t be available much longer, so I would grab your copy now while it’s still fresh in your mind.
P.P.S. Don’t forget, there is absolutely ZERO RISK at all for you to try the 100 Calorie Burner Workouts. You have 30 days to try out this powerful protocol and discover what so many others have – a fun, safe way to lose belly fat and sculpt muscle in all the right places. If you’re not completely thrilled with your results, simply send me an email before then and I’ll promptly issue you a no-questions asked refund. There’s literally ZERO risk.
You can instantly download all of these belly fat burning workouts in just minutes and start using these NEW fat burning techniques today!
A: No! You can download the entire program immediately after your purchase in just minutes – and start using these NEW fat burning techniques today! No shipping fees, no waiting for results!
A: Great question. The answer is simple – we tested each workout on an experimental group of more than 15 people. Each person was strapped to Polar Heart Rate monitors with advanced calorie settings, and we measured the read-out at 100+ calories for each workout.
A: The workouts were tested on the “average” sized individual. My clients were a mix of men and women, who weighed between 115lbs and 250+lbs.
If you weigh more, you will actually burn MORE calories, while people who weigh less will burn slightly less.
A: Yes! I wanted to make the program suitable for ANY level of fitness so you can supercharge your workouts no matter what stage you’re at now.
A: Yes. We’ve already had plenty of people in their 50’s and 60’s experience massive success while using the program. The program is designed to have you losing fat fast while increasing your metabolism – no matter what age you are.
A: The workouts are bodyweight ONLY! You CAN do these workouts anywhere – your living room, your backyard, the park or even your hotel room when traveling.
A: Whether you’re already in “good” shape or you’re just starting out, this program was designed to get you to your next goal as fast and safely as possible.
It doesn’t matter if you have 5lbs or 40lbs to lose – the 100 Calorie Burners will get you exactly where you want to be…faster.
A: Start conservatively. Take a longer rest between sets or reduce the number of rounds initially. Exercises can always be substituted.
A: Depending on where you are with your current training, you should notice results in the first two weeks. By the end of the first month, you should make noticeable changes.
If you have any questions, please email me at
Just Click the “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Started Today For Just $7!
When you order today, You’ll receive instant access to The Metabolic Fitness Challenge for a 14 day trial of only $7 which includes the step-by-step plan to help you lose belly fat and sculpt sexy muscle definition in all the right places without ever wasting time with dangerous detoxes or expensive gym memberships. After your 14 day trial, your membership will be automatically upgraded and is only $47/month and it includes next level Metabolic Accelerators, brand new interviews with fitness experts, follow along videos for every workout, new fat burning recipes, mindset strategies, unique never-seen-before exercises, and soooo much more.